The World in 2030
We are living in the age of Super Intelligence. Most cities have been transformed into smart cities. Thanks to the technology frameworks such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data (BD), a city is able to connect the physical infrastructure, the information technology infrastructure, the social infrastructure, and the business infrastructure to leverage the collective intelligence of the city.
Cyber wars became common. Government systems and enterprises have to protect themselves with high-security measures. The disappearance of countries because of natural disasters, people protesting for autonomy, and unification of some countries led to changes in the world map. Due to different ideologies in the inhabitants’ belief system, competition between powerful countries is still intense.
Big corporations are still monopolizing the market. Paper money has been replaced with digital currency. Blockchain technology won and today, most countries accept cryptocurrencies. Robots take over dangerous and tiring jobs while artificial intelligence (AI) helps us by producing deep analysis reports for better decision-making. The farming and animal husbandry industry grew twice due to high consumption. To meet the needs of a growing population, mass production is still strongly active. Waste management is a big problem for this age.
The scarcity of resources became severe. Big tycoons are fighting for raw materials required to manufacture their products. There is also a high consumption of energy and producing energy affects pollution. To have a very minimal negative impact on the environment, humans have striven for clean energy such as solar and wind energy. Since sustainable energy and renewable energy are energy sources that cannot be consumed within a few generations and can be regenerated faster than they can be consumed, people are driving to find better methods to enhance these energy sources.
Since trading on the Internet became common, the growth of the transportation industry is transparent. Nowadays, cargoes can be shifted through the global cable system and people have more transportation options such as an underground tunnel or a Skyway drone. Big improvement in logistics made the supply chain easier. However, improved infrastructures have a great impact on nature. They caused the extinction of some animals and plants. Dire changes in climate are also uncontrollable. Despite all unfortunate events, there are new discoveries of creatures, places, things, methods, and facts in human history. Back then, we had Big Bang theory, String theory and others as the explanation of the universe but now, we have a new unique theory about the universe.
The traditional education system has changed into the virtual reality (VR) learning system. Students learn subjects by experiencing virtual games that enforce their complex thinking skill. Students are already professionals when they graduate. Being professionals at an early age encourages youths to be more competitive and creative. Based on the capabilities and competency of youths, infinite opportunities are presented to them. Nowadays, youths are more into innovation than entertainment.
The growth of biotechnology supports the advancements of the healthcare industry. Telemedicine, part of smart healthcare, eliminates the distance barriers and improves access to medical services in remote locations for distant rural communities. Smart healthcare also has a significant impact on assisted living for elders with minimal need for skilled nursing care. Various artificial implants such as artificial eyes, arms, or legs are available today which gives a choice for disabled people to live as cyborgs if they wish.
The language barrier has been solved, but the culture barrier is still an issue. People have an automated lifestyle and it affects their morals. There are two popular life purposes humans are pursuing. One is in search of enlightenment and another is in search of aliens. Different social classes are still here in 2030 but everyone participates in reducing poverty.
The spaceship I was in landed on the moon. Witnessing mother Earth from space is fantastic. It looks like a blue marble with white swirls. Living in an age when space travel is possible is a blessing. To my younger self, current self, and future self, here is a message for you: always seek adventures and do not forget to have fun on your journeys.
Oct 30, 2020 20:30 PM
Edit: What a wishful prediction! (Oct 5, 2021)