“Hey, you won’t be easily deceived and you somehow detect when people are lying if you read many books. And, you may say a single word but that single word is backed by many reasons which are in your instinct. So, you should read books.”
That’s what the younger me said to persuade my friends to read books because everyone I know did not read books. And, it is a matter of the past.
A few days ago, I finished reading a book. It has been a very long time that I finished reading a book. I saw many new vocabularies and I learned new concepts. I was excited. It is something I am used to but something I forget. I found it again and I fell in love with it again.
Books are guides for life. They are collections of knowledge from the hunter-gatherer age to the current modern age. People wrote down books which are their experiences so that new generations know what to do and what to avoid, their imaginations showing how splendid a mind can be, their discoveries which make new and unexplored factors come to light, and theories which are saying that there is an infinite amount of possibilities exist. A person’s life is short. We can’t experience all of them. But, by reading books, we can experience what other people experienced, we can live in the worlds other people saw, and we know existences which were not discovered by us. That’s the beauty of reading.
Most of the books I read are non-fiction. When I am reading them, my mind wanders and I always somehow end up in an imaginary world. But, there is a negative factor in reading. It is natural that the more you read, the more you know. The teenage me was a bit arrogant. Yes, reading leads to knowing was proportional to my level of pride. Later, I come to realize that knowing isn’t everything. Putting them into use is more important. Knowledge should be used for inventions. My pride is tamed and I sometimes feel useless because there is nothing I invented.
There are always pros and cons of words and pictures. Words allow us to dive into details while pictures allow us to interpret whatever we want. Lately, I am more into moving pictures. I spend more time watching than reading. A person who used to read more than 24 books a year finished reading only one book this whole year. Look, how far I have fallen.
Reading is a habit I am trying very hard to reinstall in me.
Nov 30, 2020 11:30 PM