I received my first ever salary by interning at a company.
I had to wake up early in the morning and prepared things. A friend and I went to the company by taxi and we were stuck in it for an hour. When I was at the company, I was sitting and observing, talking with other interns, and attending the training. When I went back to the hostel in the evening, because of traffic junk, I was stuck among a crowd on the bus for half and an hour. My time was wasted. When I reached the hostel, it was already dark. After eating dinner and taking a bath, it was already 8: 00 PM. At that time, all of my energy had been drained. I want to do nothing after that. These are not my daily activities and I felt very tired. I also hated that my private time was gone.
It was Friday. My friend and I took the wrong bus when we were going back to the hostel and we had to get off the bus in an unfamiliar place. We called a taxi but no taxi responded to us because of super heavy traffic. We were on the road for a long time and it was already dark. We didn’t usually go outside at night and we became anxious. Finally, a taxi responded to us and then we were on it for about half and an hour till we reached our destination. I felt very unpleasant about what was happening to me and what I said after my first week at work is, “I want to quit!”. It was also the rainy season and there was a time when a sudden heavy rain fell and I got all wet. There were also many unlucky days.
Finally, I received a brown envelope and some papers were in it. These papers have the ability to exchange with almost everything. After I received them, I have been thinking about what should I do with them? Since the purpose of those papers is to exchange for something, there is no point keeping them. I should use them. The problem is how should I use them? Use them to solve my day-to-day necessaries? Use them to improve my education? Use them for charity? Use them for luxury? It’s quite troublesome. People use them to satisfy their desires and beliefs. I should do the same.
So, I have to use my energy, time, skills, and talent in exchange for those papers which have the ability to exchange with almost everything and then, use those papers to get something I desire? Does this system make life simple or complex? Well, what I know is that life is quite troublesome.
Jul 1, 2019