I was talking with a senior during lunch break.
Me: “How do you think of us as being three-dimensional creatures?”
Senior: “Us, what?”
Me: “Us being a width, length, height creatures! And we are able to see only two dimensions. Do you believe that there exist things which existence isn’t within our knowledge?”
Senior: “Yeah, I believe that. I’m not sure about 2D and 3D but there are such things which images cannot be interpreted by the ability of our brain. For example, wind! You know it exists but you can’t see it, right? Why can’t we see the wind when we have a clear knowledge of its existence? It is possible that it is our brain’s inability to interpret the image of wind.”
Me: “Yep, that makes sense.”
Senior: “How do you think of us being able to use telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation?”
Me: “Huh? I am not quite sure about it.”
Senior: “We still can’t use those abilities because we still can’t control our brain waves. If we can control our brain waves, it is possible.”
Me: “For real? How?”
Senior: “Considering everything is made up of particles, imagine yourself as a group of particles. When you walk, your legs have to move. Small parts of a group of particles (legs) have to move and what do you think what is controlling them?”
Me: “The brain?”
Senior: “Indeed! If we can control our brain waves, we can produce a wave which can control particles from a far place and we can move them as we like. This is telekinesis. Do you know animals like dolphins, whales, and bats use echolocation? If we can produce a brain wave which functions the same, telepathy is possible.”
Me: “How about teleportation?”
Senior: “You, a group of particles, are connected in some way, right?”
Me: “Yeah?”
Senior: “Back then, we communicated through wired telephones. Now, we have wifi. If we can produce a brain wave which allows us to be wifi, we can be anywhere and it makes teleportation possible.”
Me: “I see. Then, how do you think about a topic where people are trying to insert memory chips into their brains? I am interested in how will they connect the brain’s cells and chips and then make them work.”
Senior: “Yeah, it is interesting. We will become super-intelligent beings or backfire.”
Me: “Speaking of super-intelligent beings, do you think will robots be able to have emotions and feelings? You see, robots are just machines operating on a large amount of data.”
Senior: “I think there will be human-like robots in the future.”
Me: “Human-like in what ways? Robots use cameras, sensors, and electric devices to collect data from their environment and then put collected data into algorithms where algorithms match those inputs with trained data and produce the results. There will be many results and the robot will perform the result which has the highest percentage of success. And of course, actions on the surface such as the robot’s facial expressions are controlled or manipulated by that result. Robots will gain cognitive minds but they won’t have an unconscious mind as well as emotions and feelings like us. Robots will act according to their algorithms’ results and if the result were to destroy humanity, robots will act without a blink. So, human-like in what ways?”
Senior: “Wow, ok ok ok! Well, emotions are what make us humans anyway. Consider putting chips into the human brain is a success and this time we will reverse it: putting a person’s cognitive mind into the robot’s brain. If it were a success, you will have human-like robots and you might probably gain immortality because even if your physical body is destroyed, you can continue living in robot vessels. Don’t worry, a century or two later, we will have human-like robots.”
Voices came out from the classroom near us which made us realized that the class had already been started and we were late. We ran into the classroom.