Yesterday, I tried a new multiplayer online game.
As a starter, I didn’t have enough knowledge. I didn’t know what to do and what is happening. I was confused. As I explained my situation in global chat, I received support. Some people welcomed me to join their parties. They answered all of my questions and I learned a lot within a day. The community is friendly and warm.
Back then, the gaming community wasn’t that good. There were players who love to use curse words for no reason, big bad boys who like trolling, and savages who don’t know the existence of positive words. It was once a community which drains your mental energy. However, as game companies set strict rules and regulations to follow, supporting and warm communities emerged.
A great game encourages curiosity, concentration, competition, coordination, cooperation, recognition, problem-solving skills, multitasking skills, and social skills. It keeps us motivated and also enhances the brain’s memory. Gaming is great for learning, but it has never been used for educational purpose.
Many games with a very high level of details and complexity have already been successfully developed. What we imagined and can imagine can be simulated into virtual reality. It means we can experience them with the help of VR technology. If we can experience them, why should we sit in a room and listen to old data?
Each game has its own rules and concepts. That’s why, firstly, players need to read a lot and gather information to understand what to do and what is happening. Later, as they play the game, they have to apply their knowledge to simulated scenarios. Most games are simultaneous and dynamic. Being able to apply knowledge on tasks doesn’t define you as a good player. It is only a beginner level. It depends on the players’ creativity and good decisions to become great performers. To be able to make the right choice, a large amount of brainpower is consumed. Playing games enforces complex thinking.
The traditional education system provides only the first step of learning: providing necessary information. Memorizing some data one night before the exam and then writing them down on pieces of paper and we are given our roll numbers. But, it doesn’t show any of our competency while the ranking system in games can access the players’ strengths and weaknesses more accurately and point out their abilities and potentials.
Instead of sitting and listening in a room, please let us experience ourselves. Instead of memorizing, please let us think. We will possess years of experience that employers demand as soon as we graduate. And good decision-makers will be able to create a better and innovative future.
If there is a presidential candidate who will change the traditional education system into VR education, I will be the first one voting for that candidate.
More simulation and VR games need to be developed.
June 6, 2020 12:55 AM